Welcome to the Website Home of the Virginia Outdoor Writers Association!
We hope that 2024 is going well as you experience the great outdoors in Virginia and throughout the world! If you enjoy being outdoors and recording the stories and experiences that you find there through words, photography, or other media, we invite you to join our group.
JOIN US AS A MEMBER: In order to be more inclusive of all who are interested in becoming outdoor communicators, be they long-term professionals in the field or those who want to grow in their ability to write about, illustrate, or photograph their outdoor experiences, the VOWA board has voted to change the membership dues requirement to a "pay what you will" tax-deductible donation to VOWA. Current members, past members, and new members are invited to send that donation to: VOWA Treasurer Milan Majarov, 104 Winnipeg Place, Winchester, VA 22603. (New or renewing members with updated information should click HERE for an online membership form.)